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What are the multiples of 2950 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 2950 are:

2950, 5900, 8850, 11800, 14750, 17700, 20650, 23600, 26550, 29500, 32450, 35400, 38350, 41300, 44250, 47200, 50150, 53100, 56050, 59000, 61950, 64900, 67850, 70800, 73750, 76700, 79650, 82600, 85550, 88500, 91450, 94400, 97350, 100300, 103250, 106200, 109150, 112100, 115050, 118000, 120950, 123900, 126850, 129800, 132750, 135700, 138650, 141600, 144550

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