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What are the multiples of 2875 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 2875 are:

2875, 5750, 8625, 11500, 14375, 17250, 20125, 23000, 25875, 28750, 31625, 34500, 37375, 40250, 43125, 46000, 48875, 51750, 54625, 57500, 60375, 63250, 66125, 69000, 71875, 74750, 77625, 80500, 83375, 86250, 89125, 92000, 94875, 97750, 100625, 103500, 106375, 109250, 112125, 115000, 117875, 120750, 123625, 126500, 129375, 132250, 135125, 138000, 140875

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