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What are the multiples of 2100 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 2100 are:

2100, 4200, 6300, 8400, 10500, 12600, 14700, 16800, 18900, 21000, 23100, 25200, 27300, 29400, 31500, 33600, 35700, 37800, 39900, 42000, 44100, 46200, 48300, 50400, 52500, 54600, 56700, 58800, 60900, 63000, 65100, 67200, 69300, 71400, 73500, 75600, 77700, 79800, 81900, 84000, 86100, 88200, 90300, 92400, 94500, 96600, 98700, 100800, 102900

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