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What are the multiples of 1750 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 1750 are:

1750, 3500, 5250, 7000, 8750, 10500, 12250, 14000, 15750, 17500, 19250, 21000, 22750, 24500, 26250, 28000, 29750, 31500, 33250, 35000, 36750, 38500, 40250, 42000, 43750, 45500, 47250, 49000, 50750, 52500, 54250, 56000, 57750, 59500, 61250, 63000, 64750, 66500, 68250, 70000, 71750, 73500, 75250, 77000, 78750, 80500, 82250, 84000, 85750

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