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What are the multiples of 1068 [SOLVED]

Multiples of 1068 are:

1068, 2136, 3204, 4272, 5340, 6408, 7476, 8544, 9612, 10680, 11748, 12816, 13884, 14952, 16020, 17088, 18156, 19224, 20292, 21360, 22428, 23496, 24564, 25632, 26700, 27768, 28836, 29904, 30972, 32040, 33108, 34176, 35244, 36312, 37380, 38448, 39516, 40584, 41652, 42720, 43788, 44856, 45924, 46992, 48060, 49128, 50196, 51264, 52332

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